Think Tank Korčulanska škola 2020 - program

Oporavak, novi početak, prilagodba

Regionalne perspektive i perspektive rodne ravnopravnosti

1.- 4. listopad 2020.


Newest session of Vračarski razgovori "Democracy and I gladly remember it" moderated by our Board Member Tamara Tripić

CEE Network is inviting you to join the newest session of Vračarski razgovori called "Democracy and I gladly remember it" moderated by our Board Member Tamara Tripić on Wednesday, 29 April from 7PM. Stream will be avaliable on our Facebook page also.

CEE Network co-hosting a webinar “Human Security and Safety in a State of Emergency”

FOSDI (Belgrade) & the CEE Network for Gender Issues are inviting you to participate in the online pandel debate “Human Security and Safety in a State of Emergency”.

The debate will be held on Friday, April 10th  2020 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (Budapest time) via Zoom app. 

Keynote speakers are: Ms Daša Šašić Šilović (Croatia), Ms Solveig Cogliani (Italy), Prof. Dragana Broz (Italy, Serbia)



CEE Network issued special edition "Coronavirus Newsletter"

Regarding the current situation with the rising pandemic of coronavirus in the world, CEE Network for Gender Issues issued a newsletter entirely devoted to coronavirus. 

You can read it here

CEE Network Chair Daša Šašić Šilović has been elected for the President of the EPE

CEE Network for Gender Isuess Chair Daša Šašić Šilović has been elected for the President of the European Partners for Environment (EPE). 

EPE’s mission is to stimulate collective intelligence on ‘new generation of partnerships’ for a New Prosperity for Europe , in a global, interconnected and interdependent world, and explores how to scale up partnerships best practices with 3 main objectives:

  • massive, systemic change,
  • green economy
  • good-life-for-all value chain partnerships.

EPE has demonstrated its skills to mobilise high level expertise at EU and International levels.

EPE is a membership-based organisation led by its Council and an Executive Team.

There is a need for action oriented partnerships. It's not about the 'why" and "what" anymore, but the general feeling is about: we know what to do, and we have the tools for it, but HOW shall we do it. EPE can play an important role in explaining the HOW and play a role in ACTING, in selected areas.

Regional conference: Progweb 2019 Final Event “One Balkan towards the EU”

The delegation of the CEE Network took active part at the “One Balkan towards the EU”, held in Skopje 10 February 2020. The Conference gathered progressive, socialdemocratic and liberal leaders, from South Eastern Europe. Participants gave strong support to North Macedonia and its former Prime Minister and President of SDUM, Zoran Zaev, as well as Albania, to start the EU integration process.

It was stressed that the EU Enlargement Policy has largely been successful and has benefited both accession countries and the EU itself. Progress made by the Western Balkan countries towards EU integration is recognized by all parties. There is no going back, but rather it warrants an accelerated process of integration and an effort by the accession countries and the EU to complete it.

A successful integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union has to be on the basis of strengthened democracy, rule of law and an independent judiciary, anti-corruption policies, social justice, equality between women and men, introduce gender parity in political life and exert a deliberate effort to improve  the quality of life of all our citizens. 

In the discussion the CEE Network for Gender Issues emphasized the great strides SDUM in North Macedonia, as well as other parties in the region, made in promoting the political participation of women in decision making and parity in their parties and the society. In preparation for the upcoming parliamentary and local elections it will be decisive for parties to honour the quotas in their electoral lists and the zip principle, to ensure an even larger number of women to be included in future decision making.  But it will equally be important that progressive electoral platforms address existential concerns and challenges women are confronted with in these societies. This will motivate women to be equal and active agents of progress and transformative processes in the Western Balkans.

CEE Network for Gender Issues is “Ambassador” for the European Pillar of Social Rights

Following its proclamation on 17 November 2017, implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights is now a joint commitment of the Member States and the European institutions.

The rights and principles of the Pillar cover a wide range of issues, including the right to quality education, training and life-long learning, access to healthcare, gender equality,  childcare, fair wages, work-life balance, consultation with social partners, and  access to essential services. Consequently, communication about the Pillar remains a challenge and its implementation largely depends on Member States and social partners on the ground.


The European Pillar of Social Rights is based on 20 key principles that can be divided into 3 categories:

  • equal opportunities and access to the labour market
  • fair working conditions
  • social protection and inclusion


To further this goal the Communication Office of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) in Brussels has chosen the CEE Network for Gender Equality to be one of the “Ambassadors” of the EU Pillar for Social Rights. The role of Pillar ambassador is to raise awareness about the European Pillar of Social Rights or one particular aspect of it among their contacts, networks, followers, etc. The cooperation between the European Commission and the Pillar ambassadors is informal in nature and is based on a mutual interest in enhancing a fairer and more social Europe.

CEE Gender Network welcomes all information on the implementation of the EU Pillar for Social Rights in your countries and any suggestions you may have as to its impact. ()

Silver Rose Awards

Since the year 2000, SOLIDAR organises annually its Silver Rose Awards in the European Parliament in cooperation with the EP S&D Group, an occasion to celebrate Civil Society Organisations and individuals whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world. Nominations are made by Civil Society Organisations and selected by a jury composed of its representatives, trade unionists and policy makers.

This year’s Silver Rose Award in the Category: Together for Social Europe– Social Affairs was awarded to the Chair of the Central East Network for Gender IssuesDaša Šašić Šilović. She won the award in the category of Social Affairs for promoting social democracy and politics with a gender lens. 

Read more at:


CEE Gender Network, Zagreb Office, Iblerov trg 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia