Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#14 Regija i ukrajinska kriza – politički izazovi

The region and the Ukraine crisis – political challenges

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#13  Zita Gurmai, Member of the Board of the CEE Gender Network

Zita Gurmai is a Hungarian politician, Member of the European Parliament from 2004 until 2014. She is a member of the Hungarian Socialist Party, part of the Party of European Socialists and was previously Vice President of the Socialist International. Currently Zita is member of the Hungarian Parliament and President of PES Women. She has also been serving as the Assembly's General Rapporteur on violence against women since 2020. Zita is member of the CEE Gender Network International Board contributing to the broader discussions on political and ideological trends in the region and especially on gender equality.

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#12  Pia Locatelli, Member of the Board of the CEE Gender Network 

Pia Alda Locatelli is Vice-President of the Socialist International and Honorary President of the Socialist International Women. She is member of the Party of European Socialists Presidency and deputy leader of the Socialist Party of Italy. She was member of the European Parliament and recently of the Italian Parliament in the Chamber of Deputies, Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and chairwoman of the delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, as well as in the Italian delegation to the International Parliamentary Union. Pia is a member of the CEE Gender Network International Board and has been active on democracy building and gender issues in the Western Balkans.

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#11 Mojca Kleva Kekus, Activist

Mojca Kleva Kekus is a Slovenian activist, former Member of the European Parliament (S&D) and local councilor in the city of Koper for almost 10 years. During those years, she was active in civil society movements, mostly devoted to women's emancipation and youth participation in politics. As President of the Think tank Progresiva she leads European projects relevant to Slovenia and the Balkan region. Mojca is a Bureau member of FEPS and CEE Network for Gender Issues.   

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#10 Marta Szigeti Bonifert, Member of the Board of the CEE Gender Network

Marta Szigeti Bonifert is innovative transformational leader, change manager with proven track record of success. Developed and implemented strategies, programs and actions in the public and private sector. Marta has a sound knowledge and good track record in sustainability and gender issues. Marta is Vice President of the Institute of Directors: Vice President of the European Partners for Environment; member of the Global Energy Prize International Award Committee, member of the global advisory board to the President of UTokyo; an advisor to Agroinnova Scientific Committee. Trained presenter of The Climate Reality Project, founded by Al Gore. 

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#9 Barbara Blasin, feministička aktivistica

Barbara Blasin, feministička aktivistica po profesiji grafička dizajnerica, diplomirala je 2002. Studij dizajna pri Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Aktivna je članica Centra za ženske studije i ULUPUH-a. Izlagala je samostalno i na mnogim grupnim domaćim i međunarodnim izložbama.

Dobitnica je nagrade Hrvatske sekcije AICA-e (International Association of Art Critics) na Zagrebačkom salonu 2008. i 2011. godine. Autorica je istraživačkog projekta Ženski vodič kroz Zagreb (2004. – 2006.) i knjige koja je 2006. ušla u nominaciju za nacionalnu nagradu „Kiklop“ u znanstveno popularnoj kategoriji.

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#8 Vedrana Klepica: Umjetnost – Kultura – Politika

Vedrana Klepica je dramatičarka, dramaturginja, kazališna redateljica i feministička aktivistica. 2012. godine s producenticom Petrom Glad je preuzela vođenje kazališne udruge Kufer. Od 2012. godine režira vlastite dramske tekstove. Vedranine drame prevedene su na desetak jezike i izvođene su osim u Hrvatskoj i u Argentini, Australiji, Srbiji Lihtenštajnu, Sjevernoj Irskoj.

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#7 2021 Razgovor s Radom Borić

Rada Borić je dugogodišnja feministička aktivistica, suosnivačica Centra za ženske studije, koordinatorica u Hrvatskoj međunarodnog pokreta  "Milijarda ustaje protiv nasilja nad ženama". Bila je profesorica hrvatskog jezika u Finskoj, autorica je hrvatsko-finskog rječnika. Danas je Rada vijećnica Nove ljevice u Gradskoj skupštini i predsjednica Povjerenstva za ravnopravnost spolova Grada Zagreba.

2007. godine odlikovana je redom viteza bijele ruže Finske za izniman doprinos razvitku odnosa Hrvatske i Finske. Prema časopisu Forbes, jedna je od sedam najmoćnijih feministkinja na svijetu.

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#6 2021 Think Tank Korčula School

Overarching topic: “Recover, Restart, Retool 2021”

Crosscutting topic: “Rethinking Gender Equality”

The first Korčula school “Transforming Politics through a Gender Lens” was organized in 2011. After ten years of working for women, with women and men for gender equality we have achieved that among 69 participants of 2021 Think Tank Korčula School 35% were male participants.

Let’s hear what some of male participants said.

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#5 Razgovor sa Majom Sedlarević

Razgovor o istraživanju „Mržnja prema drugima – Solidarnost s drugima“ kojeg je provela s prof. Smiljanom Milinkov

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#4 Razgovor sa Eminom Abrahamsdotter

Emina Abrahamsdotter, međunarodna konzultantica, ekspertica za ravnopravnost spolova i članica Međunarodnog odbora Mreže za ravnopravnost spolova Centralno-istočne europske mreže za rodna pitanja

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#3 Oružane snage i odbrana iz ženske perspektive

Tamara Tripić, članica Međunarodnog odbora Mreže za ravnopravnost spolova CIEvrope, predsjednica Mreže za demokratski dijalog


Radmila Šekerinska, ministrica odbrane Sjeverne Makedonije

Dragan Šutanovac, bivši ministar odbrane R. Srbije

Željka Antunović, prva predsjednica odbrane R. Hrvatske

Muško ženska klackalica / The Gender Seesaw

#2 Razgovor sa Željkom Antunović Poslovnom savjetnicom, prvom ministricom odbrane RH, bivšom potpredsjednicom Vlade RH i SDP-a


CEE Gender Network/Centralno istočna europska mreža za rodnu ravnopravnost ovog mjeseca počinje emitirati podcast - MUŠKO ŽENSKA KLACKALICA / THE GENDER SEESAW.

Podcast ima društveno-politički značaj što postižemo kombinacijom razgovora i dijaloga sa javnim i progresivnim ličnostima, a posebno socijaldemokratskim političarkama i političarima iz regije. Cilj našeg  podcasta je da dođemo do najšire javnosti s naglaskom na progresivne društvene i političke stavove te posebno na rodnu ravnopravnost koja transformira javne politike.

Podcast možete slušati na našoj Facebook stranici ili web stranici:

Podcast će biti na jezicima regije i na engleskom u ovisnosti o govornicima.

 The CEE Gender Network is launching its regional podcast – THE GENDER SEESAW.

The podcast profile is political and social. It will have a mix of dialogues and conversations with progressive, especially socialdemocratic, female and male politicians from Europe, particularly from South Eastern Europe. The objective is to reach out to the public in the region on social and political issues, especially on gender equality.

The podcasts are uploaded on our Facebook page and on our website:

The podcasts are recorded in languages from the region and English, depending on the speaker.