CEE Network for Gender Isuess Chair Daša Šašić Šilović has been elected for the President of the European Partners for Environment (EPE).
EPE’s mission is to stimulate collective intelligence on ‘new generation of partnerships’ for a New Prosperity for Europe , in a global, interconnected and interdependent world, and explores how to scale up partnerships best practices with 3 main objectives:
- massive, systemic change,
- green economy
- good-life-for-all value chain partnerships.
EPE has demonstrated its skills to mobilise high level expertise at EU and International levels.
EPE is a membership-based organisation led by its Council and an Executive Team.
There is a need for action oriented partnerships. It's not about the 'why" and "what" anymore, but the general feeling is about: we know what to do, and we have the tools for it, but HOW shall we do it. EPE can play an important role in explaining the HOW and play a role in ACTING, in selected areas.