The Central and Eastern European Network for Gender Issues (CEE Gender Network)

Teamwork 2 promo video for Help desk

Teamwork 2_ Short video for campagne

Teamwork 2_short video for the campagne

Teamwork 2_short video for the campagne

Teamwork 2_ Workshop in Zagreb/ December 2023

Teamwork 2_ Zagreb meeting2 / February 2024

Korcula School 2023 :: opening

Korcula School 2023 :: Paula Carvalho Olovsson i Adnan Gibrani

Korcula School 2023 :: lessons learned from the balkans

Korcula School 2023 :: high level kickoff

Korcula School 2023 :: socialdemocracy prospects

Korcula School 2023 :: mitigating the impact

Korcula School 2023 :: Pay gap panel 1

Korcula School 2023 :: Pay gap capacity building

Korcula School 2023 :: Think Tank Reportage

Korcula School 2023 :: Pay gap

Korcula School 2022 :: Think Tank Reportage

Korcula School 2022 :: Final / Završno

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 2 - Panel 5 - Case Study

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 2 - Panel 4 - Socialdemocracy

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 2 - Panel 3

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 2 Panel 2

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 2 - Panel 1

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 1 - Round Table 4 - Social Justice

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 1 - Round Table 3 - Gender Pay Gap

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 1 - Round Table 2 - Sustainable Development

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 1 - Round Table 1 - Participative Democracy

Korcula School 2022 :: Day 1 – Opening

Korcula School 2021 :: Just Transition - Green Deal & Sustainable Development

Korcula School 2021 :: Just Transition - Challenges & Opportunities

Korcula School 2021 :: FEPS CEEGN Accelerating History for Just & Sustainable Development

Korcula School 2021 :: Male Participants on the Korcula School

Korcula School 2021 :: Priority Message

INTRO - Korčula School Think Tank

Razgovor o položaju radnika u Srbiji/Leskovcu / A conversation with the workers in Serbia/Leskovac

Korčula School 2020 - Regional Exchange - trends, challenges and priorities

Korčula School 2020 - Recover, Restart and Retool - Session 1

Korčula School 2020 - Recover, Restart and Retool - Session 2

Korčula School 2017

Korčula School 2020 - Main Intro

Korčula School 2020 - Feminist lens to economic recovery - chance to get it right

Korčula School 2020 - Welfare and Care Economy

Korčula School 2019

Korčula School 2016